Heat Pollution  HEAT POLLUTION    Heat Pollution

 Dr. Alec Feinberg

GW Pie chart

Heat Pollution & Feedback - Root Cause Estimates of Global Warming

New Published Findings [8] Measurement confirmations [8]

Heat Pollution (also called in climatology forcing) is the increase in global warming primarily from our energy use and urbanization. These are highly correlated to  population growth. The larger our population, the more energy we use and the larger our cities and towns grow. There are three major sources of heat pollution:


·        Man Made Green house Gases: This causes about 43.5% of global warming   [8]

·        Solar Heating of manmade (Impermeable) surfaces: This causes about 3.25% of global warming [3, 5, 8]

·        Direct Heat ( i.e., heating your home or or turning on your oven): This causes about 3.25% of global warming and is called anthropogenic heat release (AHR) [3, 5, 8]

·        Environmental Feedback is about 50% of Global Warming. Feedback about doubles Heat Pollution





Solar Geoengineering: (Published suggestion by the Author)

·       All roofs to be 25% reflective or greater.

·       Roofs in warm climates, 85% reflective where solar heat absorption is not needed for heating homes.

·       All roads to be 35% reflective or greater

·       All building sides to be 25% reflective or greater

·       All cars to be 85% reflective or greater

·       Assessing fines for adding heat pollution

·       Improving city designs to reduce heat pollution

·       Plans to include Earth brightening and Sun diming [8,9]

·       Reduction of greenhouse gasses

·       Redesign of the Paris Accord to provide safeguard assurances

·      Use a white roof and house color, brighten your driveway, ensure you are >30% reflective

·      Contact your congressman on regulation against black roads and roof tops

Negative Solar Geoengineering Examples: Unfortunately, there are is bad behavior not just with energy use but also with simple color choice. Dark colors create solar heat which contributes to some global warming. Before we can mitigate global warming with positive solar geoengineering, we need to stop the negative behavior first.

     heat pollution Urban HEat Islands     

  heat pollution Black Roads  Heat Pollution of Roofs  Heat Pollution of RoadsHeat Pollution of Cars

References & Publications by the author:

1.       Feinberg A (2022) Solar Geoengineering Modeling and Applications for Mitigating Global Warming: Assessing Key Parameters and the Urban Heat Island Influence, Frontiers in Climate, https://doi.org/10.3389/fclim.2022.870071

2.       Feinberg A (2021) A Re-Radiation Model for the Earth’s Energy Budget and the Albedo Advantage in Global Warming Mitigation, Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dynatmoce.2021.101267 (Selected as Editor Choice Featured Paper 2022)

3.       Feinberg A (2020) Urban heat island amplification estimates on global warming using an albedo model. SN Appl. Sci. 2, 2178. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-020-03889-3

4.       Feinberg, A (2022b) Urban Heat Island High Water-Vapor Feedback Estimates and Heatwave Issues: A Temperature Difference Approach to Feedback Assessments Sci 4, no. 4: 44. https://doi.org/10.3390/sci4040044, (Feature Papers—Multidisciplinary Sciences 2022)

5.      Zhang,  P.,  Ren,  G.,  Qin,  Y.,  Zhai,  Y.,  Zhai,  T.,  Tysa,  S.  K.,  Xue,  X.,  Yang,  G.,  &  Sun,  X.  (2021).  Urbanization Effects  on  Estimates  of  Global  Trends  in  Mean  and  Extreme  Air  Temperature,      Journal  of  Climate,  34(5), https://journals.ametsoc.org/view/journals/clim/34/5/JCLI-D-20-0389.1.xml


6.       Feinberg A (2023) Solar Geoengineering to Stop Annual Climate Change, ResearchGate (Submitted)

7.       Feinberg A (2023) Climate change trends due to population growth and control: Feedback and CO2 doubling temperature opposing rates, ResearchGate (Submitted)

8.       Feinberg A (2023) Urbanization Heat Flux Modeling Confirms it is a Likely Cause of Significant Global Warming: Urbanization Mitigation Requirements, Recently Accepted Journal Land

9.       A Molecular Level Study Indicates the Capability of CO2 Warming Amplification in UHIs can Significantly Impact Microclimate Warming to the Global Level, ResearchGate

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